
June 23, 2016

New lovers

This post just needs this title! It'll be all about the products I bought or received in my PR box and my first and second thoughts about them. I haven't really been in a proper shopping for some time - it is because the lack of money and my health that's been pushing me down these days.

// Živjo, dragi bralci (s tem mislim na moje dame in seveda peščico fantov, ki berejo moj blog - oh saj vem, da ga tudi ti!) Ja, tale objava je prav res klicala po takšnem naslovu. Tokrat vas bom popeljala skozi nove izdelke, ki sem jih kupila ali prejela in jih obožujem. Kljub temu, da sta me zdravje in minus na kartici prejšnji mesec dodobra pokopala, ta mesec pridno šparam in si bom na račun tega zaležanega tedna privoščila kakšno stvar; beri: master shopping.

Oh btw., my camera BROKE so those are the last pictures made with my dear Canon 700d. If you have any idea into what should I invest my money, please, please let me know down in the comments. 

Anyway: I got a gift from L'occitane and it's the new Verbena body mist*. The scent is very chilly, lemony, refreshing, with citronella gras and I use it mostly to get rid of the mosquitos. It works just fine but it should definitely last longer when it comes to the scent.

// Te sličice so zadnje, kar mi je uspelo stresti z mojega ljubega Canona, preden je šlo vse po zlu. V kolikor imate predlog, kateri aparat naj si omislim, mi prosim javite v komentarje, da ne kiksnem v temo :) Kakorkoli, L'occitane me je razveselil s Citronkino osvežilno meglico za telo. Prosim, ne pršite je v obraz :) Ima pravi citronkin vonj obogaten z eteričnimi olji, jaz pa ga najraje uporabljam kar kot zaščito proti komarjem. Edini minus, ki ga odkrivam pri veliko L'occitanovih produktih: ni dovolj obstojen. V kolikor bi bil bolj, bi bila to naravna zmaga nad naravnimi repelenti. No, pa saj to je tako ali tako. #loccitaneforever

The next thing I bought myself was the Biobaza Spring flowers deo - just captured some springy feeling there since the summer is already here. I was definitely in need of a new natural deo. Before that I used Borotalco but when I took a closer look to the ingredients over there I instantly put those in the trash. The Biobaza one is made out of 99% of natural ingredients with a gentle smell of roses and gardenia - love this combination.

// Za Biobazinim deodorantom stoji cela zgodba. O tem, kako sem prišla do spoznanja, da so Borotalco deororanti za v smeti, pa kdaj drugič. Opomnik: v kolikor jih imate, jih zavržite. Sestavinsko niso v redu. Pa še na živalicah testirajo. No, po nasvetih kolegic blogerk sem se odločila investirati v Biobaza Spring flowers deodorant, kjer ga je 90% narejenega iz naravnih sestavin. Bravo! Zaenkrat sem zadovoljna - vonj je vrtničin z gardenijo, obstojnost je ok. Odlična kombinacija vonjev :) 

Avon also got me prepared for the summer and I want to thank you a lot for that. I'm using the Face  hydrating mist Aloe & Cotton like crazy from the day I got it. The scent reminds me of my mum, don't know why. Maybe she used some kind of similar shower gels when I was little. Anyway, this one is always with me on the go, on the beach, on my desk - everywhere.

//Avon me je pripravil na poletje kakor da bo vedel, da bom tik pred velikim 21.6 zbolela. Kremico z zaščitnim faktorjem imam že na nočni polici, najbolj pa sem navdušena nad Aloe & Cotton meglico za obraz.* Diši po mami. A veste tisti vonj domačnosti, ki ga zaduhaš, ko objameš mamo? Točno to. Morda je mama imela kakšno kremico, ki jo zavoham v tej meglici. Čudovito navlaži obraz, ga osveži in je moj absolutni favorit v torbici, za na plažo in na pisalni mizi.

Well, those goodies, what can I say. I needed to go to Triest with my dear friend cause she needed a dress for her sisters' wedding and got home with come pink for me too. I got a new MAC Fast Play Amplified lipstick. I thought it would be more matte though, but it's so long-lasting and I love it even so. This one is more for a evening night-out. Kiko cosmetics Velvet passion in 305 is a matte lipstick and more brighty-one. If I'm honest, I saw a colour like this on the best Kate la vie blog and of course I needed one too then. Very happy with the colour, very long lasting, and matte of course. 5/5.
And last but not least I got a Sephora Velvet Cushion, which is a matte lip cream that I adore. I use it always with the Kiko one.

// Ni šlo brez Trsta. Prijateljica je morala po obleko za sestrino poroko, jaz pa sem prišla domov z vrečko Macove šminkice Amplified, Kiko Velvet Passion v odtenku 305 in Sephora Velvet Cushion v prav takšni barvi kot je Kikova. Macova je malce bolj svetleča, ampak še vedno zelo dolgo obstojna, Kikova in Sephorina pa sta mat verzije in vsekakor bolj žive barve. Ker rada eksperimentiram, bom verjetno včasih tudi barve zamenjala in fuksijo vzela s seboj ven.

The end is sweet like this Cherie Macaron nail polish by L'Oreal Paris. The bright colour and new package just urged me to get one - and it was on discounted! The lasting is poor I think, I need to paint my nails every two days when using this treasure. 

// Tale pa za na konec. L'orealov Cherie Macaron je odličen lakec za poleg mojih novih šmink. Prenovljena embalaža res bode v oči, pa še znižani so bili. Sem morala probat. Nad obsojnostjo pa sem precej razočarana. Meni zdržijo največ dva dni, pa moram narediti korekcijo. Ime pa prav kliče po novem imenu za blog - hecam se, zvesta Berlinu :)

Kaj pa je novega pri vas? 

Love, M.

* Some of the products used in the posts may have been sent to me  for review.

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