
January 31, 2016

Oriflame All love nature: Purifying tea tree line review

Hello everybody! I hope you are spending your days really good. I'm feeling just fine, working too much, but thinking about some new things in my life. I will probably make some personalised cosmetic products, so let me know in the comments if you support me with this decision :) More I can't say (yet). :)

Today my post will be all about pampering myself with some lovely products I got from Oriflame cosmetics, which are also my first catalogue brand that I got makeup from. I used to "steal" catalogues from my mum and searching for something really cool for that age, like a red lipstick or nude nail polish. I knew what was in. Now Oriflame grew in every single way possible and I am so proud of them. I wanted to try the Purifying tea tree line right away. I tested Tea tree clay mask, Tea tree blemish solver and Tea tree correcting stick.

// Danes je moj plan ocena Oriflamovih All love nature produktov za nego mastne kože, nagnjene k rdečici, kateri vsebujejo dragoceno eterično olje čajevca. Njam, obožujem ta vonj. Oriflame je prva kozmetična hiša, od katere sem dobila prve "ta prave" kozmetične produkte. Mami sem vedno skrivaj vzela katalog ter polepila strani, na katerih sem našla kaj zanimivega. Tako sem prejela kakšno rdečo šminko, pa kak nude lakec,... Danes je Oriflame precej večji, kot je bil takrat, na njih pa sem zelo ponosna in jim iz srca želim vse dobro za prihodnost. 

Blemishes are something I'm dealing with forever. I never paid that much attention to it, but now it begins to bother me. I've been using this Blemish solver* for some weeks now and it works like this: first when applying I get really red blemish on my usual spot on the face, but then it slowly disappears. I have it in my purse everywhere, because I really think it works. I heard some bloggers didn't like it that much, but for me and my oily skins works just fine. 3/5 from me.
And btw: did I tell you that I love the smell of tea tree essential oil that's in those products? 

// Rdečica in mini mozoljčki sta moja stalna spremljevalca, čeprav jima, vsaj rdečici, do pred kratkim nisem pripisovala posebnega pomena. Neko zimo pa sem ugotovila, da bi bilo ekstremno dobro, da bi se tega lahko rešila, saj se mi rdečica pojavi že ob minimalni spremembi temperature na hladno. Tako sem sprva preizkusila Love nature korektor s čajevcem*, ki ima izjemno blag vonj za moj okus ter dobro dene moji koži. Opazila sem, da na začetku uporabe moja koža kar precej pordi, nato pa se učinek zmanjša. To mi ne ustreza prav zelo, je pa res, da zelo dobro skrije pore in odpravi mozoljčke, zato ga vedno nosim s seboj v torbici. Ker nikoli ne veš... Ocena: 3/5

Let me say this first: this little one deserves a 5/5. Explain, blogger! This is a two in one corrective stick* with antibacterial essential tea tree oil. My undertone is cool so this is just like my personalised product. I use first the green side for my blemishes and nude side to conceal redness. I couldn't believe it. See yourself:

// Nad korektorjem v stiku s čajevcem* sem pa navdušena do konca. Antibakterijsko esencialno olje čajevca v tem produktu glede vonja ni tako izrazito, zato bi vam morda bolj ustrezal korektor v stiku kot pa prej omenjeni korektor. Z zelenim delom namažem izpostavljeni predel, z bež pa prekrijem rdečico. Pomaga in zdrži, čestitke, 5/5.

I love it and I'm very thankful that I got one. Adore you, Oriflame.

Love Nature Clay mask* is also my new mini lover. My skin is oily and this one really helps to clean my pores and absorb the excess sebum, so my skins feel so much better after using it. I love the matte look that my skin gets after cleaning my face. Ready for sleeping or in the morning ready for some light makeup! I give this mask also a 5/5.

// Glinena maska za obraz s čajevcem* je moj drugi favorit. Maska zelo dobro opravlja svoje delo, "počrpa" odvečni sebum, očisti pore ter moji koži na koncu doda mat efekt. Manj oljnate kože? Ja, prosim! Če jo uporabim zvečer, sem takoj pripravljena na doooolg spanec, zjutraj pa kožo pripravim za nanos rahlega dnevnega makeupa. Obožujem jo, uporabljam jo 2x tedensko. 5/5.

Navdušena sem nad Tea tree produkti, kot jim pravim sama. Mislim, da ne glede na ceno izredno dobro opravljajo svoje delo. Še dobro, da sem jih odkrila :) 

* Some of the products used in the posts may have been sent to me  for review.

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